Restaurants & Hospitality
Myers-Holum works with industry-leading restaurants and hospitality companies to reduce their costs, improve customer service, maintain customer loyalty, grow revenue and attain competitive differentiation on both tactical and strategic levels by implementing modern ERP solutions.
One of the first data domains the restaurants and the hospitality industry typically look to address is the Customer Domain (a 360 degree view of customer). Our work with “Knowing Your Customer” has included special focus on such areas as:
- Customer segmentation
- Customer value scoring
- Preference models – used to drive marketing efforts via the campaign management system
- Integrating email marketing results and landing page click-stream information back into the customer profile.
In addition to Customer, we have experience implementing our hospitality industry data models for:
- Reservation
- Employee
- Property
- Product and
- Points accounting
We are also one of the first firms to implement a unified property/product model that manages and links the property assets with the merchandising of those assets via product definition. This solution supports such concepts as:
- Room packages
- Bundling with other services
- Specific room selection and split stays (multiple properties as one product)