A convergence of external forces is drastically changing the design of enterprise system architectures, including:

  • Viability of distributed computing (DCOM, CORBA, Web Services) and associated component-based architectures
  • Ubiquity of the internet and world-wide web
  • Universal technology standards (e.g. IP, XML, web services, etc)
  • Competitive advantages achieved by unbundling the organization’s business processes (i.e. following a horizontal integration strategy versus being vertically integrated)
  • Advantages of object-oriented development / solutions
Faster Development
> Reuse
> Rapid Prototyping
– Higher Quality
– Easier Maintenance
– Reduced Cost
– Increased Scalability
– Better Information Structures
– Increased Adaptability
  • Rapid Adoption of Web Services

The implications from these changes on the enterprise architecture include:

  • The scale of a web component architecture provides significant economic advantages both in terms of operating costs and a more efficient investment in the development of new technologies
  • Non-strategic business processes and technology are non-core activities that drain focus away from strategic business process expertise being vertically integrated)
  • A web component model provides the flexibility for a business to pick and choose their future strategic direction and competitive advantage
  • Increased need for standardized data (EDW, conformed dimensions, MDM, CDI, PIM, etc).

In other words, in addition to developing new applications with object-oriented technology, market-leading companies are currently leveraging web services
technology to transform existing legacy applications to a Services Oriented
Architecture (SOA). The impact of this change will result in a massive increase in the amount of data being integrated throughout the enterprise and further emphasize the need for an Enterprise Data Integration (EDI) strategy.

How Can Myers-Holum Help?

Myers-Holum can assist you develop your EDI strategy, including:

  • Providing a better understanding of the role EDI plays in enterprise information management, information architecture, meta data management and data warehousing
  • Addressing critical functional and business requirements through a comprehensive EDI/SOA application framework
  • Identifying best practices and practical solutions for implementing an Enterprise Data Integration solution
  • Architecture diagram of ‘Future-State’ EDI architecture vision, including:

– Data Architecture (conceptual, logical and physical data models)

– Technical Architecture (hardware, software, operating systems, storage, network)

– Data Integration Architecture (data movement from source to target, with transformations, data quality, data cleansing, balance & controls)

  • Organizational Model
  • High level initiatives / projects to deliver ‘Future State’ solution
  • Defined technology platform
  • Roadmap of prioritized projects / timeline
  • Business Justification and Range of Magnitude (ROM) budget