NetSuite Recognizes Open Farm & Myers-Holum for the Spotlight Awards
Published on by The Myers-Holum Team
NetSuite Recognizes Open Farm for the Spotlight Award along with Myers-Holum
We are excited to share that Oracle NetSuite has named Open Farm and Myers-Holum for the 2022 Alliance Partner Spotlight Award in the Pet Industry. The NetSuite Alliance Partner Spotlight Award for the pet industry recognizes Open Farm and Myers-Holum for outstanding expertise and customizations as well as demonstrated commitment to, and success in, implementing NetSuite.
Myers-Holum and Open Farm worked together to ensure Open Farm gained the most from their NetSuite software. Here is an excerpt from the “NetSuite Alliance Spotlight Award Winners: Cooking Up Success for Product Companies” highlighting Open Farm:
Accelerating Its Reach, Achieving Its Mission
Open Farm was founded in 2013 as a supplier of premium pet food produced with a purpose: to respect animal welfare and the environment. Today, its pet foods are available throughout the United States and Canada.
A rapid growth trajectory meant Open Farm needed a unified ERP solution to support its expanding operations. The company selected NetSuite, implemented by Myers-Holum, to bolster its current growth and prepare for the future.
“Oracle NetSuite was the stand-out winner from our competitive procurement process for an ERP platform, and the team at Myers-Holum brought the vision, experience, and partnership to assist our own team with our digitization program,” said Shawn Boyd, AP of information technology at Open Farm.
After implementing NetSuite, Open Farm gained improved traceability and a true inventory management system. Myers-Holum completed a full ERP implementation that included record to report, design to build, procure to pay/return to debit, order to cash/return to credit, SuiteSolution/SuiteSuccess bundles, and SuiteFlow/SuiteScript automation.
Myers-Holum also provided Open Farm with data migration and training services. The next phase in the project is a crucial one: Integrating the company’s Shopify stores, Amazon FBA business, and EDI partners.
After receiving a new $65 million round of financing in 2021, Open Farm continues to accelerate its reach and mission to provide high-quality premium pet products. With NetSuite, it can easily scale and extend its presence in pet stores across North America.
“The early wins from our NetSuite implementation have provided us increased visibility to real time data, the ability to link disjointed business processes, to support over-the-top traceability for our products and ingredients, and to scale up our business at a velocity that we could never have achieved before,” said Boyd.