Google Cloud Recognizes Myers-Holum, Inc.’s Technical Proficiency and Proven Success In Data Analytics

New York, April 17, 2019 — Myers-Holum, Inc. today announced that it has achieved the Data Analytics Partner Specialization in the Google Cloud Partner Program. By earning the Partner Specialization, Myers-Holum, Inc. has proven their expertise and success in building customer solutions in the data analytics field using Google Cloud Platform technology.


Specializations in the Google Cloud Partner Program are designed to provide Google Cloud customers with qualified partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven success in specialized solution and service areas.


Partners with this specialization have proven success from ingestion to data preparation, storage, and analysis.


“We are thrilled at the culmination of our experience and partnership with Google Cloud to come together and offer us this opportunity to be a specialized partner and we look forward to growing the Google Cloud Platform footprint through Google BigQuery, DataFlow, Dataproc, DataFusion, DataPrep, and other Google Analytics products utilization,” said Darius Kemeklis, EVP of Cloud Practice, Myers Holum.


Myers-Holum, Inc. (MHI) is a privately held enterprise systems and data integration consulting firm founded in 1981 in New York, New York. Having consulted for more than 800 companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to the lower Mid-Market, our staff represents a diverse and ambitious group of consulting and development professionals with in-depth industry, systems, and data management expertise. Today, MHI has regional presence in core markets across North America.